Frequently Asked Questions


Vinoted App


What is the access code?
The access code is a code provided by the wine suppliers using Vinoted to organise their wine tastings. You’ll need this code to use the App.

Why do I need an access code?
We are using this code system to verify that Vinoted App users are members of the wine trade. This App is designed only for professionals.

Why do I need to provide my job title and company?
To help the wine suppliers organise their wine tasting invitations.


How to use Vinoted tasting calendar?
The Vinoted tasting calendar is divided in 3 sections:

1. Home Page - Tasting Invitations
Press the Tasting
Press Approve to accept the invitation

2. Home Page - Upcoming Tastings (The tastings that you have accepted the invitation) Press the Tasting and see the event details as well as the wines to be tasted

3. Toolbar down - Calendar Icon - Tasting Calendar
Where you can see all your past and future wine tastings

How do I find the wine that I’m physically tasting within the App?
Home Page - Upcoming Tastings
Press the Tasting you are attending
Scroll down to find the wine you are tasting or use the search button

How do I use the tasting tools?

1. Find the wine you are tasting

2. Press ‘Tasting’

3. Use the optionals tasting guidance (intensity, acidity...) - Press & select

4. Select as many flavours as you want in the ‘Flavours’ section

5. Use the ‘Additional Notes’ to write any comment you wish to add

6. Use the mandatory ‘Score’ scroll bar. This is to help you find the best wines

7. Within the ‘My Tasting Notes’ section. Press the (heart icon) Favourite if you wish to add the wine in ‘My Favourites Wines’ section.

What is Vinoted “My Favourite Wines” section?
You can access this section by clicking the (heart shape) on the main toolbar.
In this section you can find only the wines that you have press the (heart shape) on the ‘Tasting Tool’

What is Vinoted ‘My Tasting Notes’ section?
All the wines that you have tasted and gave a score can be found in this section

Where to find the Wine info?
To view information regarding the Wine, please click on the Wine Bottle. This will open up the information page.

Why can't I edit my tasting notes?
If you feel you should be able to edit your tasting notes, please send us a message and we can look into this as a possible feature.

What are the colour icons next to the wines?
Colours icons represent each Wine category.
Yellow - White Wine
Red - Red Wine
Pink - Rosé Wine
Green - Sparkling Wine
Brown - Sweet Wine

How do I use the Chat mode?
You can only use the Chat to communicate with the wine suppliers.

  1. Select the (chat icon) on the main Toolbar or ‘Live Chat’ on the Menu

  2. Use the ‘Search Bar’ to find the Supplier you wish to reach

  3. Select and start the chat

Vinoted Supplier Portal


How to use ‘My Portfolio’?
My portfolio will display all of the Wines you have within your inventory. You are able to edit and remove Wines as well as list them via Name, Type, Year or Country.

Should I add all my wines to ‘My Portfolio’?
Only wines that are uploaded to ‘My Portfolio’ can be transferred to any Wine Tasting you are creating within the Portal. We recommend you to add all your wines to ‘My Portfolio’ so you can save time while using the Portal.

How to create a Tasting Event?
Creating a Tasting Event is very simple. You are able to select your Wines in order of Tasting, inputting details regarding the event; i.e time, date & location. Choose Sommeliers to invite and click create event to send invitations.

Can I use the Portal for all my tastings?
You can use the Portal for all your Wine Tastings. Here are 2 examples:

1. Tasting A: A tasting with one customer and a small selection of wine.
On ‘Add Tasting’ - ‘Choose Sommeliers’ search and select the sommelier you want to invite.
On ‘Choose Wines’ select the wines that you want the sommelier to taste (if you are not sure of the selection, press ‘Select all’ as the sommelier can easily search the wines within the App)
Create the tasting and the selected sommelier will have it within the App

2. Tasting B: Your Portfolio Tasting
On ‘Choose Sommeliers’ press ‘Select All’ On ‘Choose Wines’ press ‘Select All’

Can I rearrange the Wine Order?
You can rearrange the order of your Wines. My Tastings, and click on Wine Order. Drag and drop to change the order of the wines. Can be done at anytime before your event start time.

What is the ‘Access Code’?
The ‘Access Code’ is a code we give you so you can give it to your trade customers. Your customers will need this code to access the Vinoted App.
By doing this, we can verify that the App users are members of the wine trade

What is the ‘Access Code Counter’
Each time a new user uses your ‘Access Code’ to sign up in the App it gets recorded on your “Access Code Counter’ box. Discount will then be applied to your monthly subscription.

How to upload the wine pictures?
To upload images of your wine correctly, we recommend your image to be a PNG. This will display much better on the App due to the transparent background.

How to use the Chat mode?
You can only use the Chat to communicate with the Vinoted App users.

  1. Press the chat box on the main Toolbar or ‘Chats’ on the Menu

  2. Use the ‘Search Bar’ to find the User you wish to reach

  3. Select and start the chat


How does the invoicing/billing work?
You are able to view your billing history via the “Membership” page. Able to update Payment Methods and Billing Information. Any queries regarding billing, please contact.


How can I change or cancel my membership?
You can change your membership plan from monthly to yearly as well as cancelling with ease. Click on “Membership” to view your account details. Vinoted Ltd partners with Stripe for simplified billing.