Contact Us

If you are interested in more information regarding Vinoted, please fill out the form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Partnership and advertising requests will also be received via the form or direct email. Thank you.



Delete Your Account

We understand that you may decide to leave our service, and we respect your decision. If you choose to delete your account and all associated data, please follow the steps below to ensure a secure and complete removal of your information.

  1. Submit the Form: Once you've completed the form, please submit it for processing.

  2. Confirmation Email: You will receive a confirmation email from us. Please follow the instructions within to confirm the deletion request.

  3. Final Deletion: After your confirmation, your account will be permanently deleted from our systems within 30 days. You will receive a final notification once the process is complete.

Please Note:

  • Data Retrieval: Once your account is deleted, you will not be able to retrieve any data or information.

For any further assistance or questions regarding the deletion process, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help!